
If you don’t have a paper shredder, and you have a large amount of documents that you have just culled from your files and need to shred before discarding, try giving them to your 4-year-old, along with a pair of scissors, and telling your 2-year-old that she may tear them to ribbons if she would like to join the fun.

The result is a floor covered in itty bitty pieces of paper, in squares, triangles, circles, etc. several little “notes” on your desk from your son, and two or three hours of quiet while they are vastly entertained by this new enterprise.

They even helped put it all in the trash when it was done.

Operation Shredder accomplished.

all content © Carrien Blue

4 thoughts on “Innovation

  1. What a great idea! I once entertained my daughter on a long flight when she was 18 months with a stack of Post Its.

    I love learning innovative techniques, like yours!

  2. I tried this out on my 6 year old once, now he is 11 and loves origami and has loads hanging up in his room. he so good at them now its amazing 🙂

  3. I tried this out on my 6 year old once, now he is 11 and loves origami and has loads hanging up in his room. he so good at them now its amazing 🙂

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