1000 Gifts Friday-Week 10

It’s 9:42 on a Friday night and the house is silent. The Boy and Girl have gone with the GH to Beema’s house for the evening. Little is asleep. And I am once again reflecting on the past week and the many gifts it contained. And I am thankful.

Sometimes I think that my gratitude lists must be very boring for others to read. They consist of the countless dull everyday moments that I get to enjoy with my family. I feel redundant but I am sincerely grateful for every single one of them. I try not to take any of it for granted.

  • Making cookies with the Girl and her friend.
  • Sitting outside in the brief sunlight with the GH talking to the neighbors as the kids tear around.
  • Talking to my mom on the phone. (Remember when it cost an arm and a leg to make an international call? Now I have a $5/month flat rate and I call all the time without giving it a thought.)
  • Walking to the store with Little, her babbling the whole way, and pointing at everything she knows the word for as we went.
  • The GH hugging me from behind in the kitchen while Little looked on, jealous at first but then bossing us around. “Kiss daddy, kiss!”
  • Fog that settles over us after dark, making everything familiar look enchanted.
  • Warm tea.
  • A husband who seems to get more attractive as the years go by.
  • Yells of excitement from the gang of boys that play by our house every afternoon.
  • New friends, a bittersweet pleasure now as we continue to form relationships with people even though we will be leaving this place in the near future.
  • The kind of friends who will accept a last minute dinner invitation with pleasure, show up with dessert and wine and won’t care if the place is a little untidy.
  • Did I mention my 5 year old Girl yet?
  • The smell of turkey broth permeating the house.
  • The quiet of an evening alone.
  • The candle lit face of my children as we spent time together this holiday just talking, and being a little silly.
  • Playing peanut butter and jelly for the fourth time today.
  • The moment in the evening when I am nursing Little and her body finally relaxes completely and she gives a little sigh and falls asleep. (And her little nails stop compulsively digging a hole through my belly button.)

These are the small threads that wind through my days, my life, and together make something beautiful.

When I was young I wanted excitement, adventure, something different and grand. Joy is hard to find amidst discontent. The older I get the more I realize that the most joy filled moments are often the simplest and most humble as well.

The gratitude community is here.

all content © Carrien Blue

2 thoughts on “1000 Gifts Friday-Week 10

  1. I love your gratitude posts, they remind me of the many similar things in my life that I often overlook. Your posts cause me reflect and appreciate those things.

  2. I love your gratitude posts, they remind me of the many similar things in my life that I often overlook. Your posts cause me reflect and appreciate those things.

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