Church Year for Children

I was trying to find something to read to my kids for Lent, something that contained the grand overarching scope of the story, and set Jesus in the context of Israel and the prophets. I couldn’t find anything. But then, I realized I could write it myself.

Drawing on all the years of teaching my own kids through the Biblical feast days, conversations with my theologian husband and on some Sunday school lessons I’ve written in the past, I’m working on telling the whole story.

These reading are written much as I would teach my own children in a method inspired by Charlotte Mason. I want them to engage the actual text, to wrestle with it and think about it. I don’t always want to tell them what to think, but simply encourage them to think about it. The questions are not rhetorical, they invite children to enter into scripture with you and meditate on it. I don’t always have to have all the answers, neither do you. But we do need to put the material in front of our children and let them consider it and think about it just as we do.

I hope this series is of help to everyone wanting to have a more rich dialogue with their children about the substance and content of the Christian faith.


Coming soon Pentecost – Waiting in Jerusalem

Advent – Light of the World