One Thousand Gifts-Week 51 Autumn

holy experience

Still counting…

When Aaron came home

he brought the Boy Muy Thai boxing shorts

glancing outside to see the Boy reading to the girl in the Sukkah

the Sukkah

folded jumping frogs on paper lily pads

a fresh from the bath baby snuggled in a fleece sleeper

we made graham cracker sukkahs too

 plastic tarp stirring in the wind, the sound comforts, brings back memories of camping in the rain

the first rain of autumn

Children dancing as the drops come down

talk, laughter and time with my big girl

an afternoon away

I came home to fed bathed and sleeping kids. My husband is awesome!

Cup of tea

blustery weather

kids happily creating stuff together

sleeping baby

the smell of rain

hot soup

couch snuggles

the boy narrating Winnie the Pooh


a good night’s sleep

the morning wind through my bedroom window smelled like ocean

Little yelling triumphantly, “I DID IT!” with every loop while learning to finger knit.

Jellybean grins.

 Tired Little asleep on the floor mid-afternoon

back yard fires in the evening

Warm pajamas fresh from the dryer

the gratitude community is here.

all content © Carrien Blue

One thought on “One Thousand Gifts-Week 51 Autumn

  1. Sweet!! I love these posts. 🙂
    Hard to believe JellyBean is old enough to smile already. 🙂

    Rachel in Idaho

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