A Day Out

Rosie from http://ourmothersdaughters.blogspot.com invited us to join her at the botanical gardens yesterday.

It is a very interesting place, and smelled divine.

It sprinkled on us just a little, which was exciting for my California children.

We’ll go back. Thanks Rosie for inviting us.

(I have no idea how this will look. I’m posting from my phone for the very first time. Replacement modem is still not here, so I have no other internet.)

— Sent from my HP Veer

Carrien Blue

all content © Carrien Blue

3 thoughts on “A Day Out

  1. Thanks for coming  with us! I'd been wanting to invite you all there since we first went, but the first Tuesday of the month kept being busy…
    Funny, I don't remember the big bunny (?) topiary.

  2. We actually got out of the car again because as we were driving out the kids spotted the wonder garden on the other side of the parking lot and begged to get out and look at it.

    So we spent another 20 minutes wandering yet another great little interactive play area for the kids. It had a big electric train track set up with a button you could push to make the train go. Bam Bam loved it.

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